“I was able to sell a portion of my stock. Then I decided to hold the rest. That could prove to be a terrible, terrible, terrible decisio...

(Even) Successful Stock Investors Are Struggling

“I was able to sell a portion of my stock. Then I decided to hold the rest. That could prove to be a terrible, terrible, terrible decision. This could be the worst financial decision of my life…could be.

But after lots and lots and lots of discussion and lots of number crunching and lots of thinking about it, I decided to hold on. ….” (Source: Tim.blog | H/T: Mind Café)

That’s Tim Ferris, New York Times bestseller and a successful investor who remains in close proximity to the big shots in the Silicon Valley, including the finest investors and consultants.

Stock Trading Courses

The world is staring at one of the biggest recessions in recent times. So, it isn’t just the regular stock investors who are anxious. The institutional and successful investors are holding their breath as well. 

The tug of whether to…

  • Hold or exit the market
  • Trust this company or not
  • Follow others or walk alone
  • Leave or sink with the ship
  • Buy the dip or remain risk-free
…is confusing stock investors worldwide.

If you’re among them, don’t be too hard on yourself. 

Work to minimize your risks. But, at the same time, depending on your financial standing, be okay with little risks that won’t destroy your portfolio and make you poor.

Get rid of anxiety and trust the tried and tested rule of stock investment: Hold.

Of course, portfolio diversification is another tried-tested rule.

There are many things stock investors can do to combat this economic contraction and keep their portfolio safe.

So, avoid over-stressing yourself. Just like we have overcome every downturn, we will do even this one.

As a stock investor, stick to your long-term game. Focus on getting better at this game. In fact, use this period to amplify your skills. There are many share trading courses out there. Find and enroll in the best online stock trading courses that adequately suit your needs.

Yes, there are challenges ahead and many investors might struggle in different ways. But, at the same time, there are also many opportunities to grow yourself and boost your portfolio. Tap on these opportunities.

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